VITA INSTITUTE offers Business Coaching for developing leaders and executive managers, as well as high productive teams and organizations. Coaching can be practiced individually, as a team, company or combined. It is a methodology recommended for personal and professional growth in a dynamic context of individuals under pressure and with increasing demands for performance.

Коучинг сесиите ќе се фокусираат на некои или на сите од наведените теми:

    • Лидерство/ Лично лидерство
    • Комуникација;
    • Вредности и организациска култура;
    • Емоционална интелигенција;
    • Разбирање на различноста;
    • Креативност и иновативност;
    • Управување со промени;
    • Управување со стресот итн.

In the business world, the coaching is recognized as a prestigious program for the development of individuals, leaders, as well as highly productive teams and organizations. Business coaching implies a creative process between the coach and the client through which the alignment of organizational goals with the goals of the individual takes place in a safe and secure environment.
The process is directly related to the current business problems and the reality which the managers and their teams face, as well as the concurrence of developing areas and their relevant needs, and links them with the corporate values and it’s priorities. Business coaching provides tools that clients are able to use for their development and achievements in the post coaching period.

For us, one of the most stimulating elements of business coaching is the opportunity to be part of a creative and collaborative process which helps to achieve outstanding results. Our business coaching helps the promotion of creativity, innovation and teamwork.


VITA Institut provides Individual business Coaching, with main focus on job effectiveness and fulfillment, and coaching partnership that centers on the unique personal-development needs of executives.

Coaching process should consist minimum 8 individual coaching sessions, one to one coaching sessions are guiding clients through a self-discovery journey that allows them to capitalize on their strengths and identify their blind spots.

Институтот ВИТА ги вклучува следние теми со индивидуалниот бизнис коучинг:

    • developing key performance-driving skills;
    • enhancing teambuilding and leadership qualities;
    • identifying and optimizing the use of key strengths;
    • discovering potentials and opportunities for growth;
    • reframing and creative thinking;
    • increasing motivation;
    • aiding the adaptation to change; and
    • building the competencies of emotional intelligence.

The VITA Institut coaching process is designed to help clients understand how their development efforts can create and sustain positive changes in their self-leadership competencies and in the other team members, as well as positively impact the organization’s results.

We offer solution-focused and customized approach to each individual. The coaching process is tailored and addresses current key business challenges and realities that the client is facing. At the same time, the methodology is adapted to the specific developmental areas that are identified as most relevant needs for the clients, linking them with the core corporate priorities.


VITA INSTITUT is offering team coaching, which is becoming more and more popular in the work of companies and organizations, aims to firmly associate team members with the shared group vision and the group’s identity and values.

Each team is made up of individuals with different values ​​and beliefs, who are not always aware of the shared team values ​​and visions. The strength of a group in fact lies in the diversity of its members. It is the coach’s duty, to reconcile these differences, and to facilitate the process of creating the identity of the team. The identity of the team is reflected in the sharing of the common mission, vision and values.

The second phase is dedicated to determining the development goals which are transformed into strategy for achieving the goals. This strategy is meant to be related to the values ​​of the team. When the strategy is defined, it is necessary to define SMART goals, action steps and to identify success indicators and the outcomes of the undertaken activities influence.

Expected results from the team coaching

    • Improvement of the team’s performance;
    • Strengthening team spirit and motivation;
    • Improving communication between members of the team;
    • Awareness of the group identity and values;
    • Connecting with the vision and better understanding of the teams/corporate goals;
    • Establish or increase trust among team members;
    • Increase feeling of responsibility for achieving results and better performance.


VITA Institut’s coaching process completely follows the worldwide recognized and proven methodology of Erickson Coaching International. Our way of work is based on the principal of confidentiality and trust!
Established in 1980, Erickson pioneers ICF-certified coach training in the United States, Canada, and globally. Erickson’s accredited coach training includes the world-renowned program The Art & Science of Coaching, as well as transformational life coaching courses Expanding Emotional Intelligence, The Art & Science of Mindfulness, Coaching Competencies for Leaders, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and many others.

Coaching experience:

Our clients are executives that are coming from the companies in Telecommunication sector, Automotive industry, IT Sector, sport federations and high professionals in the public sector.


 My coaching experience comes from my extensive (over 20 years) professional experience, working on organization and people improvement. I hold two international certifications for coaching and my educational background is in law and master in MBA, with specialization in HR. Together with my leadership experience as Head of HR Development in the Central bank(2013-2019) and President of the Macedonian HR Association (2012-2019), make me capable to work with high professionals and leaders in private and public sector assisting them to advance their leadership style trough personal and executive coaching.

I work with passion and energy, motivating and encouraging clients to uplift their full potential. I consider myself as high qualified and solution- focused coach. My coaching approach as executive coach is to get to the heart of what is going on very quickly. Then to develop specific, measurable strategies that get you thinking about your challenges in an entirely different and more empowering way. Every session provides new, clear perspectives on how to approach the clients’ work challenges with a clear plan of attack.

I have been practicing coaching in the Central bank as workplace coach, and the last 2 years I have been working as executive coach for executives in the companies in Telecommunication sector, Automotive industry, IT Sector, sport federations and with high professionals in public sector.




MBA, Capital Coach and Certified Practioner of the Systemic Dynamic Work Method Program.

Vesna is an experienced professional with a 20-year management and leadership practice in international and multicultural organizations. Vesna’s formal education includes BA in English Language and Literature, MA in South-East European Studies and a Master in Business Administration.
As a Certified Performance Technologist, Vesna has been supporting the institutional and human development of various organizations and companies. In the past seven years, Vesna has been focused on working with companies and entrepreneurs, supporting teams’ and individual professional development of owners, directors and managers in Macedonia and South East Europe by coaching, consulting and developing and delivering trainings on soft skills, such as communication and presentation skills, conflict management, stress management to name a few. Vesna managed the starting of the CEED Hub in Skopje, and by this she supported the start-up community and young entrepreneurs’ progress.
Leading versatile teams, as a people-oriented person, she has been practicing her personal mission of a coach on a daily level – she supports people in unlocking their inner resources so that they can achieve the desired transformations, directing them towards personal growth and development. Her work is based on neuro science, applied and occupational psychology, management practices and tools and systemic dynamic methods.

, MSc, Personal and business coach.

Verita has over 10 years of experience in communications, coaching and consultancy on human resources, personal and professional development, leadership programs, training and development needs assessment, training delivery. She holds Master degree on Management and Organization at the State University of Ljubljana, has specialization on Human Resource Management, Authentic Leadership and Positive Psychological Capital.
She is Proffessional Trainer, Life & Executive Coach, Facilitator and Trainer on Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI), NLP Capital Coach (Bureau Land & Partners, Holland); Life & Executive Coach (Noble Manhattan Coaching England), Neuro Human Behavior Practitioner (Bureau Land & Partners, Holland – accredited by the American Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming); Business Human Neuro Management Master Practitioner (Bureau Land & Partners – accredited by the American Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming); Systemic Dynamics Work (Bureau Land & Partners, Holland); Transactional analysis – TA and Systemic Family Therapy (700 hours of attendance on consecutive Seminars for Psychological Growth and Development through a reference framework of Transactional Analysis); TA 101 Verification form- completed the TA 101 Course (issued on behalf of the European Association for Transactional Analysis Commission of Certification); Techniques of emotional literacy training, contracts, permitions and protection in psychotherapy, counselling and mentoring issued by Claude Stainer. Points Of You Methodology Practitioner and Coach.

Official site:

Коучинг процесот на ВИТА Институт целосно ја следи светски признаената и докажана методологија на Erickson Coaching International!

Бизнис Коучинг

ВИТА ИНСТИТУТ нуди Бизнис Коучинг за развој на лидери и извршните менаџери во компанијата, како и за развој на високо-продуктивни тимови и организации. Коучингот може да се практикува индивидуално, тимски, на ниво на компанија или комбинирано

Коучинг сесиите ќе се фокусираат на некои или на сите од наведените теми:

  • Лидерство/ Лично лидерство
  • Комуникација;
  • Вредности и организациска култура;
  • Емоционална интелигенција;
  • Разбирање на различноста;
  • Креативност и иновативност;
  • Управување со промени;
  • Управување со стресот итн.

Коучинг за Менаџери

ВИТА Институт обезбедува Индивидуален Бизнис Коучинг, со главен фокус на работната ефективност, исполнувањето на работните обврски, при што се фокусира на потребите за личен развој на менаџерите.

ВИТА Институт ги опфаќа следните теми со индивидуалниот бизнис коучинг:

  • Развивање клучни вештини за управување со перформанси;
  • Развој на тимските капацитети и лидерските квалитети;
  • Идентификување и оптимизирање на актуализацијата на клучните јаки страни на менаџерите;
  • Откривање на потенцијалот и можности за раст;
  • Reframing и креативно размислување;
  • Зголемување на нивото на мотивација;
  • Помагање при адаптација на промените;
  • Развој на компетенции за емоционална интелигенција;